Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Worth It.

Long distance relationships are unlike any other type of relationship out there. It's really depressing and lonely but for those reunion moments with your loved one (whether they be few or many) it's worth it. Its worth the wait.


H.R said...

do you think such love can survive? i don't think so. "out of sight, out of mind" (and later on out of heart!).
I'm following you now because your blog is about love like mine. Don't stop writing please!

linda roos said...

i don't know if love can survive a long distance relationship, but i really hope it can. me and M met last summer in nice, france. he's from england and im from sweden. now he's moving to cape town (south africa) and he's staying for at least 6 months... as i said, i hope love can survive a long distance relationship.