Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The topic of soulmates has come up several times in my conversations this past week and the thoughts of a few people I've talked to have begun to haunt me. A friend of mine said she believes anyone can fall in love with anyone else just as long as their religous/politial beliefs are the same. She went on to tell me she doesn't believe in soulmates for "there just too many people on the earth for one to simply be made for another." I halfway agree with this thought process. There are lots of people in the world but the way I see it each person has a few soulmates. Not hundreds, and yet not just one either. Some people will never find the few soulmates they have which is incredibly depressing but true. Sometimes you may find one of your soulmates, yet never actually end up together because the timing is just not right. What's your opinion, do you believe in soulmates or is it all just a fabricated lie to make people believe in the hope of love?


H.R said...

I believe that someday I will find my soulmate. I think that in the same way Allah created Eve for Adam, he created for each one of us a soulmate.
P.S: why have you stopped writing?

Little Miss said...

I think you can definitely find a soulmate, and when you do find them you'll just...know.
and if you don't find them, then you shouldnt stop looking :)